Today, 26 May 2022, Forum participants wish to state our commitment to upholding citizens’ digital rights so that progress is made towards a society where digitalization focuses in improving people’s lives.
Those of us taking part at the Forum are working on the themes covered in the Manifesto. Our contribution is based on the projects we are implementing on a daily basis as well as on the conclusions resulting from the 12 simultaneous workshops conducted this morning.
We therefore demand and commit ourselves to:
Ensuring accessibility for all, so that every system or environment can be used by everyone.
Accessibility not only enables people’s inclusion in a digital society, but it is likewise relevant in terms of dignity, recognition, independence and self-esteem.
Improving infrastructures in rural areas in order to overcome access gaps and depopulation.
To make this possible, a new relationship with villages needs to be established, offering connectivity and training in line with the concrete needs of the territories so as to achieve an inclusive society through networking with different social actors.
Representing diversity and using technology in a critical and responsible fashion with the aim of fighting misinformation and hate speech.
Digital capacity-building entails a safe use of technologies. We must underline the needs and social problems to which technology solutions can be provided.
Fostering digital education for social inclusion by adjusting training processes to different social groups.
Digital inclusion involves promotion of a safe and accessible space for vulnerable groups. Social entities and organizations must encourage and create opportunities.
Developing training paths in digital competencies throughout people’s lives in order to improve employability.
Every and each person should be able to be connected, to go online, as well as receiving trainings adjusted to the needs of the labour market. We should conduct advocacy so that both public administrations and companies get engaged in this regard.
Encouraging women’s critical role in order to breach the gender divide.
We should promote leaderships with a gender perspective considering all existing needs, and continue to support the putting in place of gender policies in different areas, with a transversal (cross-cutting) approach.
Educating for an adequate and responsible use of technologies during childhood and youth
Education is key to ensure children’s access, use and safety in digital environments; for this reason, each social actor must be responsible for his own area of influence.
Adapting the digital society to older persons and supporting them so as they participate in and enjoy its benefits.
We must promote participation by older persons in designing projects that will affect them and allow them to better their lives.
Tapping the innovative potential of technologies to protect the environment and reduce its own impact.
We need education, engagement and advocacy to raise awareness of the importance of a sustainable digital model, reusing rather than recycling.
Guiding advances in artificial intelligence and data treatment to the common good, through ethical principles and no bias
It is important to make algorithms comprehensible and assure they are transparent, by incorporating a social perspective aimed at ensuring inclusion and diversity.
Moving towards Empowerment and Participation Technologies while monitoring governance of the Internet and democratic participation
Technology has all too often become a barrier hampering people’s participation. We must therefore overcome such difficulties and, furthermore, become active in decision-making processes, using knowledge and expertise to facilitate consensus among stakeholders.
In this Forum we commit ourselves to working for digital rights in order to attain a more inclusive and democratic digital society.